Lying on weathered stone in the center of my medicine wheel

Gazing up at clouds drifting in the wind,

My soul told me

I was meant to be here on Earth, this visit, to

Learn, Love and Serve

Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

― Rumi

Hello, my name is Lynn. I have had a life woven richly by opportunities, challenges and grace. As a child, I was the younger sibling to a special needs brother who gifted me a childhood where every day compassion and humility grew in me. In my middle and high school years, for some reason that was not yet clear to me, I volunteered summers in both Veterans Administration and geriatric sections of hospitals. I have vivid memories of that time: moments of beauty reading a book to a patient coupled with the feelings of loss when I returned and the bed was empty.

In earlier iterations of my adult life, I have worked in communications, brand-building and non-profit management. I have been blessed to live almost ten years of my life in other countries, including China and Argentina. I love learning languages and I value the experience of living in and learning about other cultures.

Much later in my life—supported by healers, teachers, family and friends—I began the process of healing my own ancestral grief which included tragic deaths and generational substance abuse.

Another layer of deep clarity came to me in 2017 when I was faced with the devastating addiction of a family member and the sudden death of my beloved brother. My heart broke open that day, supercharging my spiritual journey and setting me on this path. These personal challenges led me to The Chaplaincy Institute: Interfaith Seminary where I did my studies in “Spiritual Direction” (a misnomer, I prefer Spiritual Companion).

I have had the honor to be present for others in both life and death. I have seen that death can be a beautiful, sacred final journey filled with laughter, love and healing. Attending to our lives and our deaths, opens our hearts and helps us live each moment more fully—with more presence and more love.

Credentials and Related Learning

  • INELDA (International End of Life Doula Association), Certified *

  • Spiritual Directors International, member since 2021 *

  • Chaplaincy Institute: An Interfaith Seminary, Spiritual Direction, Certified 2020

  • Spirit Rock: A Year to Live Sangha

  • ACAMAID (American Clinicians Academy for Medical Aid in Dying)

  • Certified Grief Educator

  • Women’s Forums, member and moderator from 2011-2018 and 2023-ongoing

  • Animas Institute: Dreamwork Intensive

  • By the Bay Health, Hospice Volunteer

  • Living Dying Project, Volunteer

  • The Hoffman Process, November 2018

  • Meyers Briggs Type Indicator, Certified

  • MS Organization Development, Pepperdine University

  • BA English Literature, University of CA, Los Angeles

    * You can find my profile on these sites and on LinkedIn

    I engage in my own spiritual development through community and being companioned myself. I am supervised both for my spiritual companioning and end of life work.

Important guides have helped lead me to this work: deep gratitude to JohnHenry, Alexandra and Frances. Each has played a profound role in how I arrived here. Many blessings to these beautiful souls.


Grace is…

…a profound sense of connection, often recognized when something magical, mystical, beyond words, moves us and we sense there is a Presence guiding us. In relationship, grace is an act of love—an essential practice—whereby we give and receive grace to heal, to grow, and to practice compassion.

Grace Weaving is…

…the ever-emerging awareness of grace in all aspects of our exquisite lives—in the moments of joy, curiosity, self-expression, and even in heartache and challenge. Grace Weaving is the act of weaving all of life’s experiences into something more beautiful because we are grateful for the having of them all…a collective sense of wonder at the interconnection of lives that, woven together, are stronger and more exquisite for the holding of each other—like Indra’s net, cosmically connected, brighter, resilient and more bejeweled as we reflect back to each other the beauty of our entire experience—our complete existence.

Grace Weaving